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Each semester students are allowed to provide five parent notes for absences. These notes may only cover one day.  After five parent notes are used, students must provide a doctor's note in order for absences to be excuses.  The State School Compulsory Attendance Law, TN annotated 49-6-3006, requires the school system to file a juvenile truancy petition once a student accrues five unexcused absences from school. Please note that the attendance record does not start over with the spring semester.  Students participating in school-sponsored activities will not be counted absent.  All missed classwork or tests must be made up when a student has an excused absence or is out of class on a school-sponsored activity.  All excuses must be submitted to the school within two days of the student returning to school or it will result in the absent being marked as an unexcused absence. When a student's absence is unexcused, the student will be allowed to make up tests missed.